Hello again, everyone!
Yes, I’m healing from the latest meeting with Mr. Needle, although I still don’t remember much about it. (Maybe that’s the way it should be…?) I don’t have the pain in my left lung anymore, but I do have a little in the right lung and pressure in my chest whenever I walk around. Those are the specific aches; I tend to just ache all over if I don’t take ibuprofen every 6 hours throughout the day. I feel better when I do: the aches go away, my throat stops feeling raw, and the cough keeps to a minimum. Still not too late to buy stock!
Lately, and because of the fluid around my heart (the doc thinks), my feet and ankles have been swelling. One day the swelling was so much that my feet didn’t even look like mine! So I’ve been given a diuretic to take to rid my body of excess fluid. It’s called furosemide, and so far, it’s helping with the fluid in my feet. I’m waiting to see if it will help with the fluid around my heart as well. I just started taking it on Friday, so I’ll give it a week or so to do its magic.
Something else that’s new: Most of the time I feel full, like I’ve just eaten a huge meal, even when I’ve had nothing. I don’t know if it’s my liver or the tumor pressing up against my stomach, or the alignment of the planets, or what. It’s annoying as #@%&, but does not hurt. So instead of 3 meals, I eat a little bit many times a day. Soup seems to fill me up the fastest, but anything else I can eat a bit more of. I still can’t figure that out. Yesterday I had an apple for lunch, and didn’t want anything else for hours because I was full. From an apple. In all fairness to the apple, it was a fist-sized Red Delicious, but still. I even thought that I may lose a little weight, y’know, just as a perk. Oh, silly me.
(Of course there’s an exception: for Labor Day, Mom had a feast in honor of some visiting relatives. There was lots of food, and I ate more than I’d eaten in days. So maybe the answer is just to eat Mom’s cooking?)
Thanks for being here. You all keep me strong, moving forward, and encouraged. Yes, even you over there.
I decided to put a blog together for 2 reasons. I have cancer and am undergoing treatments. I wanted a record of events, and I also knew I wouldn't be able to update everyone constantly. You know how it goes: the first person who calls gets very good information. The 10th person gets, "I'm fine, kinda tired. Can we talk later?", which I thought wasn't fair. The response has been awesome; I never expected this kind of success. Thanks, Blogger! And thanks to all who read, respond, and care.