I can’t believe I have not posted anything in a week. Once again, that’s good news, y’all, it means that nothing’s happening. I do have a bit of reflection, though. . .
One year ago, July 27, 2006, I was all ready for some major surgery to remove the lower lobe of my left lung. That surgery never happened, and I have had a very interesting and sometimes heartbreaking journey since then. But I have experienced so much that was good in this year! There were co-workers who came together, time and time again, to help me. There were friends who stood me back up when I crumpled. There was my family who inspired me every day to keep up this fight. If I’d been well, I’d have missed it all. And since this journey is not yet over, I’m hoping there is more good stuff to come.
I had an appointment with my oncologist on Monday. We discussed my bloodwork, my dry skin, my appetite, the latest thoracentesis. The good doctor listened to me breathe, and informed me that there was still a good bit of fluid in my lung. (And we all know what that means.) My next scheduled procedure will be a CT scan on August 13, and I’ll get the results on August 21. Overall, it was determined that I’m in good shape for the shape I’m in! Monday was a VERY good day for me; I felt better than I’d felt in weeks. Instead of wondering why, I decided to follow some advice, given here on this very blog: “Don’t look too hard at good news.”
So that’s the latest. No bad news, no swearing, no expectations. Thanks for being here.