Saturday, June 02, 2007

They're Here!

My new chemo pills were delivered on Thursday morning. They arrived, all safe and snug in their little bubble-wrapped package, with instructions and warnings and the receipt. I knew these pills were expensive because I had to pay over twice the usual co-pay amount for them. But when I looked at the receipt and saw just how expensive, well, let’s just say it’s a good thing I was already sitting down. For a 30-day supply, 1 month—ONE MONTH—these pills cost just over $3900. No, not $39.00. THREE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED DOLLARS.

I took the first Tarceva pill on Thursday afternoon. It must be taken on an empty stomach (either 1 hour before or 2 hours after a meal), so I thought that about 5 p.m. would be a pretty good time. We’ll see. That night I didn’t fall asleep the minute I hit the pillow (unusual for me), so if the pill is keeping me awake, I’ll have to change the time and move it to much earlier in the day. Or much later. Of course, I read the list of usual side effects, and here’s what I get to look forward to: Rash, possibly acne, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. And then there are the unusual side effects that need immediate medical care: vomit that looks like coffee grounds, yellowing eyes, and dark urine. Then there are the warnings, and among them are 2 that just make me laugh: I shouldn’t eat grapefruit or have grapefruit juice and I shouldn’t get pregnant.

So here we go again, on yet another leg of this journey. My next doctor visit is June 5, and we’ll see how I’m doing medically. In 3 months, we’ll do another CT scan and check me again. In the meantime, I’ll be over here, eating cookies and trying not to scratch.

Addendum: I have a red, itchy face and food is losing its appeal, so something's happening!

Well, bummer. No unprotected sex for you, Margaret.

On a more serious note, why the switch to chemo pills instead of those fun trips for the happy juice (or whatever you called it)?

Hope you don't have ANY of those side effects!

The Happy Juice didn't work.
So now we go to plan B. Or C. Or W.

The side effects have begun; I have a red itchy face, very little appetite, and it appears that the big D wasn't just the apple juice.

On the plus side, my eyes are still blue, not yellow.
Margaret, Hopefully, Plan B will be for blast that crap out! Keep us posted after June 5.
I don't always post, but I keep checking up on you. Even through all this, your voice comes through and it is delightful.
Red itchy face? YAY a rash! That's good, right?

And as for the price, my God, is it made from the ground-up bones of the dodo bird, enriched with uranium, and hand-painted in gold? Whatever it is, I hope it works!
Hi Margaret -
WOW - that's quite a fast reaction and didn't you say that getting the rash meant the medication is working? If so then I'm glad your face is red and itchy. but I am sorry about food losing its appeal --- so it's good news and bad news once again. Bless you for being so strong - you are a wonder!
Love, Jo
I wish you nothing but itching and acne and all that goes with it. You are in my thoughts and prayers...
Margaret - we're here for you, itchy face, yellow eyes, whatever.

Stupid, f-ing cancer!!!
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I decided to put a blog together for 2 reasons. I have cancer and am undergoing treatments. I wanted a record of events, and I also knew I wouldn't be able to update everyone constantly. You know how it goes: the first person who calls gets very good information. The 10th person gets, "I'm fine, kinda tired. Can we talk later?", which I thought wasn't fair. The response has been awesome; I never expected this kind of success. Thanks, Blogger! And thanks to all who read, respond, and care.

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