Tuesday, June 05, 2007

The right stuff!

Good news, y’all! I have the good rash! So everyone can stop wishing the itchy rash on me; I’ve got it! (Oh, boy, do I ever.) I have to say that collectively y’all do excellent work. This rash is bright red like sunburn, itches like a %$#*, and seems to be limited to my face; pretty much what everyone was hoping I’d get.

According to the informational pamphlet that came with the Tarceva, there were 2 types of rash that I could get. One was the regular side effect rash that is annoying but to be expected. The other was an allergic reaction rash which would mean that we’d have to stop the Tarceva. Turns out that I got the right one. And so to counter the red itchies, I was prescribed an antibiotic gel to put on my face to calm it. (Isn’t that ironic? We prayed for the rash, and now we want to clear it up.)

This is almost as good as growing hair again! Thanks for being here to share this good news. It’s about darn time, too!

Definitely about damn time! But do you really think I'm going to stop wishing at this late date? Pffft.

And at those prices, I sure hope you're dressing up and using the good crystal, maybe even lighting a few candles and turning on some soft music every time you pop a pill.

I'd probably try to stay out of the sun for a while, though, if I were you. Just saying.
Oh Margaret - HALLELUJUH!!!!!!! Can you see the confetti? Time for celebration - thanks for posting the good news so quickly - we all exhaled along with you. I hope the cream works on contact to eliminate the itch (that's got to make you #&^@% nuts) but even with the rash I must say you look great!
Love, Jo
Yippee!!!! Yep, that noise you hear is the special rash celebrating fireworks I ordered. The manufacturer wanted to know what the occasion was ... his expression when I told him was pricelss.
Great deserve the good news...what can we do to help...remember ISD is here for you....nb
Excellent news---YES !!

How is the appetite? When you are ready jsut say the word.
Yay!!! Good to hear something's working. For that price they should probably take you out dancing as well. Just don't get pregnant. You know how smooth some pills can be.
Congrats on your rash! Sorry, but I couldn't find a Hallmark that fit.

Hope your appetite gets better too!
the good rash is a good thing- theyr'e giving you something besides old fashion calamine? That's nice of them- 'cuz the red rash and the pink calamine are hard to coordinate with an outfit

blogger hates me
Yay Margaret!! A good itchy rash... huh... go figure. Anyway, great news! Hang in there and I hope the ointment a least controls the itching - and staying out of the sun is good advice!
Yay! I'm so happy for your rash.

...wait, that didn't sound quite right.
Just thinking about you and hope you are staying cool with this heat that has found us.
Put up your feet,get a cool glass of whatever will taste good, lots of cookies and a good book. Hope your weekend is a good one.
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