It's Tuesday!
Y’all, I have a cold. I don’t know how I got it; I wash my hands several times a day, and use the sanitizer gel all the time. I have a sore throat (it’s better now), and a constant cough, and a stuffy/drippy nose. Great, just what I need. My comforting thought is that it won’t kill me. (Wouldn’t that just beat all? Go through all this chemo & radiation & other stuff just to have a cold do me in?)
Most of my colds tend to affect my vocal cords, and this one is following suit. In fact, over the weekend, I couldn’t talk much at all! (Much to the delight of those around me, I might add.) Monday night was tough, I was coughing non-stop, it seemed, and I didn’t get the sleep I wanted to get. Yes, I took cough syrup. Yes, I took Benadryl to dry up my nose. Yes, I took Tylenol. I’m sure they helped—I did get some sleep, after all—but those things wear off after a while, and the cough came right back. So today, I’m tired, coughing, and talking with the husky voice. Oh, let’s have some cheese with this whine!
The thoracentesis is tomorrow, and I’m hoping it all goes well. The procedure is pretty minor; it’s similar to going to the dentist for a filling. You know, that first shot really hurts, but everything after that is painless. The puncture site will be sore for a couple of days, but then it’ll heal up and be OK again. Last time, I didn’t look at the equipment being used and don’t intend to look this time, either. Mr. Needle will just have to do the work without my input again. It’s better that way.
Speaking of things that are better, I just gotta say that I love my hair. Of course, I’d be grateful to have any at all, but the hair I have is just wonderful. I like the texture, I like the waves and I like the color (why did I ever think blonde was good?). This hair is different from the pre-chemo hair in that it’s coarser, curlier, and darker. I’m only assuming on the color, however, I could have had hair this color for years and never have known it. (Clairol and I were good friends!)
I decided to put a blog together for 2 reasons. I have cancer and am undergoing treatments. I wanted a record of events, and I also knew I wouldn't be able to update everyone constantly. You know how it goes: the first person who calls gets very good information. The 10th person gets, "I'm fine, kinda tired. Can we talk later?", which I thought wasn't fair. The response has been awesome; I never expected this kind of success. Thanks, Blogger! And thanks to all who read, respond, and care.