Radiation is over!! And I am doing cartwheels in my mind, just thinking about it. What a relief! This is better than the big exam being over. Better than the big presentation being over. Better than labor pains…. well, maybe not quite. Anyway, in just a couple of weeks, I’ll be able to eat whatever I want, and the burn on my back will heal. And honestly, I don’t know which of those things I want more. Fortunately, I don’t have to choose, I get both!! I have a follow up appointment with the radiation doctor at the end of the month, and then I can say good-bye to him for good.
I have an appointment with my oncologist on January 8, and I’m hoping that he’ll have a plan for me regarding surgery. I’ll know more after that visit. I think (uh-oh, there I go again!) that I’ll have about a month to regain strength and weight before the surgery, but that’s just my idea. I could be wrong.
In the meantime, I’m eating more and I had 2 cups of coffee today! Meat and starchy foods are still the hardest to get down, veggies (raw or cooked) go down OK; I have not tried fruits yet. I still eat a lot of soup, and I have not had vanilla pudding in days. I don’t miss it, either! The indigestion is better; I still burp a LOT after eating, but not as much as 2 weeks ago, and it doesn’t hurt like it did earlier, either. That’s another thing I won’t miss when this is all over.
Something else I have not had in a while: Ibuprofen. I’d been on that ‘round the clock since about April because I felt much better and didn’t cough so much when I took it. Several days ago, I remembered that I had not taken my usual morning dose, and then realized that I didn’t hurt much. It seemed like a good idea to just see how long I could go without taking any, and at this point, it’s been just over a week. Today has been particularly hard, with lots of coughing and pressure in my chest, so I may take some at bedtime. We shall see.
Thanks for being here. It’s good to celebrate with the ones that kept me moving forward. Now we can rest for a little while.