Monday, January 08, 2007
Phase III

Well, today’s visit with the oncologist was mostly a follow-up visit. After I told him how I was feeling, he told me what's coming next, and here it is: I’ll get a CT scan soon (don’t have a date yet), and on Jan. 23, I’ll have a visit with the surgeon, Dr. White. I think that visit will be more of a planning session than anything, to check my overall health & make the arrangements for surgery. I’ll know more after I talk with him. This surgeon looks quite young but is well trained. My oncologist said that he is the best candidate for this procedure, so I’m glad to have him. There won’t be any more “Dr. Doogie” jokes from me regarding Dr. White. I wouldn’t want something like that to come back to haunt me, say in a month or so, now would I?

I must say, I’m feeling VERY good these days! The further I get from daily radiation, the better I feel. I’m eating, I’m getting more energy, and I’m feeling like my real self again. The burn on my back is healing (it’s still VERY tender, still looks like ^#$&*, and itches like it, too), but getting better every day. I went to a party this past weekend where there was an incredible amount of amazing food, and I could eat every single thing there! (I didn’t because I wanted to save some for the other guests.) I didn’t have any alcohol (I was driving), so I don’t know how well that goes down. But one of these days, I’ll find out. It may be soon. Very soon.

I want to thank you all for being here. I know y’all were carrying me on those dark days and got me back into the sunshine. What would I do without you?
I can not even tell you how HAPPY it made me to read this post! I'm doing a little snoopy dance for you. (You can picture that, right? It's ok, you can laugh all you want.)

Let's have lunch again soon, ok?
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Location: United States

I decided to put a blog together for 2 reasons. I have cancer and am undergoing treatments. I wanted a record of events, and I also knew I wouldn't be able to update everyone constantly. You know how it goes: the first person who calls gets very good information. The 10th person gets, "I'm fine, kinda tired. Can we talk later?", which I thought wasn't fair. The response has been awesome; I never expected this kind of success. Thanks, Blogger! And thanks to all who read, respond, and care.

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