Boy, talk about a rude awakening!
This weekend, I was feeling pretty good. I was not in much pain, was able to eat small bites of soft food as often as I wanted to, my endurance was better, I even took the dog for a long, slow walk. And I was thinking that the worst may be over, that these last 2 weeks of chemo and radiation would be OK. Yessiree, we’re on the home stretch, only 10 more radiations to go, and I’m not quitting now. Got the right attitude, got the right support, and take THAT, Skippy!
And then I realized that I didn’t have chemo last Monday.
Chemo does its own work just fine. Its job is to run through the bloodstream, employing a seek and destroy move on cancer cells. Radiation does its job very well, also. Its job is to shrink the tumor in my lung with the added benefit of reducing my energy level and eating ability. When they work together, their effects are intensified. So, when I had the radiation all this week, I wasn’t getting that extra kick that the chemo brings to the table in the form of more fatigue, more exhaustion, less appetite, and less activity.
I get chemo again tomorrow.
Crud. And $^&*#.
That’s what I get for thinking again. Geez.