It’s been a very good weekend. I had forgotten how it feels to feel good. I’ve had 4 days of no chemo and no radiation, and boy, could I get used to this! Despite the slight fatigue, a little breathlessness, and the periodic shooting pain in my jaw, I feel pretty darn good today. And I’m going to enjoy it, too, because tomorrow it’s back to the routine of Chemo Monday, and radiation every weekday. Yeah, I can’t wait.
I’m having the aforewarned discomfort when I swallow. My throat doesn’t hurt (yet), but when I swallow anything, it feels like it’s too big to get down. Just a little ache every time I swallow. I’m trying to remember to take small bites, chew the food longer, and swallow slowly. I don’t even know if that helps, but I guess it can’t hurt. I also have indigestion, thanks to the radiation. No matter what I eat, I burp for hours afterward, and it hurts. (My apologies if this is too much info!) My doctor advised that I take liquid antacids with simethicone, (like Mylanta or Maalox), and that helps some. It seems that every treatment that makes me well has a side effect that needs its own treatment. Sheesh. I’m glad that this is a temporary place.
Thanks for being here. The friends, co-workers, family members, and everyone else who is here is helping me through this journey. I’m grateful to all who have held my hand, pulled me up, and carried me through the dark days. I stay strong because y’all do.