Friday, September 22, 2006
Friday, after 5

Yeeha!! Treatment #3 is over! I was reluctant to go today; I knew what was coming and I didn't want to deal with it. Tough nuggets, gotta go anyway. And I'm glad I did, because today, I was the young, hot chick over in the corner. (With a scarf-ed head, which just added to the mystique. Yeah. Right.) When I arrived at the Chemo Lounge for my "happy juice", it was crowded! Lots of people getting juiced up for the weekend, it seemed, so I found a nice quiet spot on the other side. One by one, they all left, and at one point, I was the only one getting happy. Hmmm... I wonder if someone's snoring ran them off...? Oh, not mine, of course; I was certainly NOT snoring nor drooling on my pillow right there in front of the nurses' station in all my young, hot chick glory.

Many thanks to my cheering squad! I'm still getting meals on a regular basis, phone calls, emails, cards and well-wishes sent to me by caring and devoted people. I truly do have a soft place to land. Thank you. Yes, you in the corner, you too.
Snoring and drooling. Hmmm.

Now that is a picture, not that i am surprised, you know.

And you are convinced this chemo thing is not so bad after all. Go in the happy juice palace, shame the rest with your good looks and your snazzy little hat. Take a little nap and all in all it looks like you are adjusting well to being the hottest young chick in all the land...

It is mostly a relief its over and we are one treatment closer to well... well.

Now, get rest, try to eat, don't miss with the needle, get some more rest, say hello to E, eat if you can (drink if you can't eat), take a nap, and come back to us.
Oh god, my kids caught me snoring and drooling in the movies once. Bad mommy.
Just want you to know that I am thinking about you tonight, lady. Shot day (Saturday) isn't your favorite, I know. Wishing you strength and patience. You are doing a great job so far.
Now go bakc to the couch and give Buck a scratch behind the ears from me!

Hi Margaret -
Hot Chick - maybe but I'm thinking you're just COOOOOL! It surely is one or the other, anything less wouldn't be possible.
Love, Jo
Margaret, You are incredible - it seems that the one to be encouraged is encouraging all of us. You truly are amazing! For some reason I have not been able to pull up your blogspot for your updates. I was happy to be able to access it this week-end and see that the initial readings showed a reduction in the tumor size. Girl you are so often in my thoughts and always in my prayers. When you read this I hope the worst of the Friday juice is past and you are once again beginning to cycle back. Love, Barbara
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I decided to put a blog together for 2 reasons. I have cancer and am undergoing treatments. I wanted a record of events, and I also knew I wouldn't be able to update everyone constantly. You know how it goes: the first person who calls gets very good information. The 10th person gets, "I'm fine, kinda tired. Can we talk later?", which I thought wasn't fair. The response has been awesome; I never expected this kind of success. Thanks, Blogger! And thanks to all who read, respond, and care.

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