Nearly back to normal Today is Tuesday, and I worked until 1:00 today! I'm hoping that by the end of the week, I can stay for the entire day. I am feeling better, by degrees, every day. My energy level is improving, and so is my appetite, which will improve my energy level, which will improve my appetite, and so on. And yes, I'm eating. Even had some chocolate today, which I haven't had in days. Can you believe it? ME? Not wanting chocolate? I must be sick. Ha.
My oncologist told me that this first treatment would be indicative of what the rest of the treatments would be like. So now I know that I'll feel like $%#@ for about a week, and then slowly get back to normal. I'll tell you this: I don't like feeling so tired and achy. I didn't get depressed over the cancer, I got ticked over not being my usual able-bodied self. Yeah, yeah, I know it's only temporary. I still don't like it.
And if ol' Skippy thinks he's gonna win even one battle, well, he's got another think coming, 'cause I don't think so. I have friends in high places. And low. I am grateful to have them all. Together we are invincible. Thanks for being here for me.