Wednesday, August 30, 2006

I've been getting questions, so I'll answer them here. They'll be in "answer format", since you can probably figure out the questions. Y'all are smart like that.

Yes, I cut my hair myself. No, it wasn't traumatic and I didn't cry. Rather than, "Oh, my HAIR!!", it was more along the lines of "What a mess. Better clean this up."

Yes, I look WAYYYY different without hair, sort of like Demi Moore in the movie GI Jane. I feel like a plucked chicken. No, I probably won't show you. No, I can't do one-armed pushups, either.

Yes, I will lose all of my hair. All over. Showers take about 6 minutes now, since there's nothing to shave or shampoo. The eyebrows may be the last to go, although I can't tell you why.

No, it's not so convenient. In addition to coordinating my clothes (which I'd FINALLY accomplished!), I now have to decide on a hat, headwrap, or a scarf to compliment the daily wear. It's one more thing to do and it takes more time. (And y'all know how alert I am in the mornings!)

No, I'm not ready to "have fun with it", with different wigs and funky hats. Being outrageous is just not my style in the way I dress. For those who do have the courage--let the fun begin!

No, I don't want a picture of "before" and "after".

Yes, I have a wig and it looks good. It's also hot and it itches. On the plus side, I get to be a blonde now. Maybe I'll have more fun! I'll let y'all know.

Yes, my next "happy juice" day is Friday, and yes, I'll be wiped out for a couple of days. Yes, I'll be at home, and someone will be with me at all times.

Yes, I am VERY glad to have you here. Knowing that I have my own cheering squad helps me to get through the rough days. Y'all do good work!
Since I haven't known you pre-cancer I can't say with authority, but the picture emerging from this post is just plane terrific.

You are strong and confident. You are adapting to this bump just like any other of life's challenges, keeping your life on your terms. Sure this is a serious bump and sure you are a little uncertain at times but I hope you have a sense of what a wonderful person you are. There are folks around you who need the lesson you are teaching as much as you say you need their support.

Tomorrow is another day. Remember the butterflies.

Oh, one other thing. Demi Moore has nothing on you, nothing at all. However, if you had a red turban you could still be a "red" head. The book says so.
Go Pac Man!!!!
After seeing her eat, I can honestly say she is a Pac Man... Take care girl we are all behind you... Well with the exception of the wild guy who is standing in front. lol C
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I decided to put a blog together for 2 reasons. I have cancer and am undergoing treatments. I wanted a record of events, and I also knew I wouldn't be able to update everyone constantly. You know how it goes: the first person who calls gets very good information. The 10th person gets, "I'm fine, kinda tired. Can we talk later?", which I thought wasn't fair. The response has been awesome; I never expected this kind of success. Thanks, Blogger! And thanks to all who read, respond, and care.

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