MargaretsnewsI've been getting questions, so I'll answer them here. They'll be in "answer format", since you can probably figure out the questions. Y'all are smart like that.
Yes, I cut my hair myself. No, it wasn't traumatic and I didn't cry. Rather than, "Oh, my HAIR!!", it was more along the lines of "What a mess. Better clean this up."
Yes, I look WAYYYY different without hair, sort of like Demi Moore in the movie GI Jane. I feel like a plucked chicken. No, I probably won't show you. No, I can't do one-armed pushups, either.
Yes, I will lose all of my hair. All over. Showers take about 6 minutes now, since there's nothing to shave or shampoo. The eyebrows may be the last to go, although I can't tell you why.
No, it's not so convenient. In addition to coordinating my clothes (which I'd FINALLY accomplished!), I now have to decide on a hat, headwrap, or a scarf to compliment the daily wear. It's one more thing to do and it takes more time. (And y'all know how alert I am in the mornings!)
No, I'm not ready to "have fun with it", with different wigs and funky hats. Being outrageous is just not my style in the way I dress. For those who do have the courage--let the fun begin!
No, I don't want a picture of "before" and "after".
Yes, I have a wig and it looks good. It's also hot and it itches. On the plus side, I get to be a blonde now. Maybe I'll have more fun! I'll let y'all know.
Yes, my next "happy juice" day is Friday, and yes, I'll be wiped out for a couple of days. Yes, I'll be at home, and someone will be with me at all times.
Yes, I am VERY glad to have you here. Knowing that I have my own cheering squad helps me to get through the rough days. Y'all do good work!