It's Friday and I worked full days all week long! WOOHOO!! It felt good to be able to do that, too. I don't like taking time off to be sick; I have stuff to do.
I had something interesting happen on Thursday. Once I buzzed all my hair off, the skin was very sensitive. I had planned on wearing a hat, but with no hair, my hat is a bit big, it wobbles on my head, and it's textured. I could not tolerate that much texture touching my head. So I chose the soft stretchy headwrap to wear. It was soothing on the tender head, covered up enough so as not to scare people, easy to put on and take off. My interesting discovery was that when one wears a hat, one looks fashionable, trendy, sassy. When one wears a headwrap, one looks as though one has no hair. Yes, the headwrap acts like a bullhorn, screaming "CANCER PATIENT HERE!! LOOK OUT!!!" People either stared or wouldn't look at me at all. And while I was out one day, I could swear there was a woman who was 6 feet away, talking about me to her companion. Paranoid? Self-conscious? Uncomfortable? Me? Yes, to everything. In the "safe zones" I'm fine. Out in the world, I'm not quite fine. (sigh...)
On the plus side, I'm feeling pretty good. I worked all week long, and did ordinary things at home, and went to bed early. You know, like a regular person on a regular day. It's amazing the amount of energy it takes just to get through a day, which I didn't appreciate until I didn't have it. What a learning experience this has been for me. I'm learning about drugs (no, not that kind), expectations, compassion, endurance, and friends--all good stuff. I wonder why it takes a major event to bring out the best in people. One thing's for sure: LOTS of people are certainly giving their best to me and I am grateful.