Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Happy Juice

Oh, my first chemo treatment--what a day! I've decided to steal Terry's phrase and call it "happy juice" instead of "cold and sterile chemicals." This truly was an experience, one that took all day long. (I'm glad this program fixes these typos--I feel like I'm drunk and am typing accordingly!)

Anyway, we got to the office at 8:35 for the 8:40 appointment. We were there for 2 hours before I got "plugged in" to an IV line. Some of that time was spent in consultations, blood work, and other necessary stuff; but I hadn't prepared for that. I was sitting on "GO" and was ready to get juiced up and get the heck out of there.

Once again my plans changed. (Is anyone surprsed?)

I got the 1st dose of some stomach settling drug and some Benadryl. I think that was to keep me quiet and in one place. (Do those people know me or what?) After that, I got the Taxol, for about 5 minutes before I started coughing and gasping. (FYI: Gasping for breath and coughing violently will bring the medical reinforcements in!) I told them between gasps, that my Tylenol had probably worn off and if they could get me some, I'd be better in just a little while. It had, they did, and I was. And then after about an hour of waiting, they started the Taxol again. In tiny, itty-bitty increments. Later, the nurse increased the dose to a larger, but still small amount, and later, she punched it up to full speed. It still took 3 hours. After that I had the other IV bag. That one took about 1/2 hour, so that wasn't so bad. By this time it was 5 p.m., and the place looked like a ghost town. I made my appointment for my shot tomorrow, and a Friday spot for the next treatment of happy juice, and now I'm exhausted.

Oh, but I am grateful, too. The medical staff is a wonderful group of people, sensitive and kind and good at what they do. They were very touched when I told them about my blue bracelet (so am I!) and they all told me what a fantastic support group I have. I agree. This journey would be so very hard if I were walking alone, and I am so glad and proud to have all of you right here. Thank you. And yes, you over there, you too.

And now the couch is calling me.
Sometimes moms have a very hard time "letting" other people do for them. Thank you for being so gracious as to allow us do for you. You know we're right here... Ann.

That will be $50,000 in royalty payments for the use of my copyrighted phrase "happy juice" which really happens to have a much different chemical makeup than that drivel the folks in that horspicule are foisting off on you.

I have to tell this part too since no one but the your other angel talked to you. When I heard your voice on the phone I had an immediate vision of walking into a dimly lit place of liquid refreshment and seeing a good-lookin' redhead sitting at the bar. I sit next to her (the only empty seat in the house) and in a slurred, husky voice she says, "Whacha gonna have, sailor."

Daggone it, can't tell a sailor from a Marine and drunker than a hoot owl.

My next impression was one of huge relief that it was going good and you really and truly are on the way to well. The journey has started. One step today, another tomorrow, another the next.

Before you know it, you will be just plain ol' Margaret again. Before then you are Margaret with the big crowd hovering around her making sure she eats, sleeps, laughs, cries, loves her boys, pets Buck's fuzzy ol' head, loves her life, hugs Enola, and gets well.
Y'all are just the BEST! Y'all make me laugh and cry--frequently at the same time. What would I do without you?
Hey Girl,

You shouldn't be surprised by the support you have...we know YOU would come bail us out of jail if need be, kick us in the but when you had too, or laugh at us when we did something stupid. You love us and we in turn love you.

Now you have Mom "roped" into your saga too. She sends her regards and best wishes. So does the Saint!

This is the part where you may need to lean a little harder on a shoulder than you're used's OK. Let's just get you well!

Miss you, lady.
Ahh, Margaret, dear ol' Margaret. It's me agin Margaret.

Haven't you figured out yet we do what we do best? Mother henning is what we do best so we do that.

You, on the other hand do what you do best:

Kick Skippy's Butt!!

Did the butterflies feel nice?
Hi, girl,
We at the GA are right here with you...Hang in there and call if we can do anything. You're quite a trooper - we all miss you and your smile at the front office. Call us...we love to get out of work (you know that already)...nancy
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I decided to put a blog together for 2 reasons. I have cancer and am undergoing treatments. I wanted a record of events, and I also knew I wouldn't be able to update everyone constantly. You know how it goes: the first person who calls gets very good information. The 10th person gets, "I'm fine, kinda tired. Can we talk later?", which I thought wasn't fair. The response has been awesome; I never expected this kind of success. Thanks, Blogger! And thanks to all who read, respond, and care.

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